Infinity swimming pool

The infinity pool is a type of pool in which there is an overflow effect, usually around the pool's perimeter. It gets its name from the impressive optical effect that is produced when the water overflows over the pool wall, falling into a channel that leads the water to the filtering system. This creates a sensation of freedom and continuity with the surroundings.

In addition to their great aesthetic appeal, infinity pools are very hygienic as the flow of water into the channel causes leaves and other impurities to be swept away, preventing them from settling on the bottom.

Characteristics and details of an infinity pool

Integration with the landscape is one of the essential elements of public or private infinity swimming pools. However, they don’t just integrate into the environment, the Exagres special pieces and ceramic coating also create an aesthetic continuity between the terrace, interior and pool tank.

The extruded product presented by Exagres for infinity pools is very resistant, hygienic, safe and anti-slip. Its easy maintenance and resistance to chemical products favours a long life of the product.

You can see a few photos of infinity swimming pools in our gallery.

How much does an infinity swimming pool cost?

Because of the technology used to manufacture the infinity swimming pool pieces, which is able to recreate all types of materials (stone, wood, cement...) and given the benefits of ceramic, the price of the ceramic used for the pool may vary depending on the type of project. If you’d like more information on the price of an infinity pool, ask us here.

Terrace flooring

Infinity swimming pools

For proper operation and the expected optical effect of an infinity swimming pool, special pieces are needed such as pool grating which filters the water and keeps it clean.

Spectacular finishes can be achieved with Exagres by combining the same product for the pool tank, coping and interior. There are all sorts of design possibilities with a great variety of colours, textures and finishes. Plus, extruded stoneware is known for the manufactured special parts which provide a solution to any encounter that may arise in a project.


Thumb Bedford Infinity


Thumb Provenza Infinity


Thumb Imperial Infinity




Thumb Yoho Infinity


Thumb Lizana Infinity







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